Add dimension count: (2x), (3x)

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We have six cool buttons to add dimensions to any view.

Drew solidworks automatic dimensions

From left to right:

  1. Add three dimensions to two views: two to the main view and one to a secondary view. This only works for new drawings since we know the view orientation then.
  2. Add two dimensions to any view. Just select a view, then click this button
  3. Subtract one from the selected dimension. If you add a count to a dimension, like 10 (3x), clicking this button turns the dimension into 10 (2x).
  4. Add one to the selected dimension. Turns 10 (3x) into 10 (4x).
  5. Add ordinate dimensions to all holes in the selected view.
  6. Add hole callouts to all holes in the selected view.

Change the dimension count with two clicks

You can see these buttons in action below. They can be pretty addictive to play with…

Dimension count increment decrement