Delete dangling dimensions, crosshairs and annotations
Don’t you hate it when you open a drawing, only to find multiple ugly, green, dangling dimensions and crosshairs?
We mean these kinds of things:
Delete all dangling annotations with one click
When editing a drawing, click the Delete Dangling button in the Drew toolbar. This will show you two options
Click the Delete dangling annotations from sheet button to delete all dangling annotations on the current sheet.
Click the Delete dangling annotations from drawing button to delete old annotations on all sheets.
Does it work on dimensions?
It works on every object that is a SOLIDWORKS annotation. That means:
- Center lines
- Center mark symbols
- Threads
- Custom symbols
- Datum origins
- Datum tags
- Datum target symbols
- (Display) dimensions
- Dowel symbols
- Geometric tolerances
- Leaders
- Notes
- Revision clouds
- Surface finish symbols
- Table (annotations)
- Weld bead symbols
- Weld symbols