How can I share my feedback?

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We want to make Lightning an incredible product.

To be able to do that, we want to hear your feedback.

The best way for you is to send your feedback to us via the feedback form within the product. If you need to include attachments, please use email.

Report feedback from within Lightning

We have added a feedback form within the product, so you can reach us directly.

Just click the Send Feedback button in the Lightning toolbar (with an assembly open) or click Tools > Lightning > Send feedback.

Lightning toolbar

This window will pop up:

You can add screenshots, videos and SOLIDWORKS files. We’ll automatically include statistics in your report.


Report feedback via email

We prefer feedback via the window above. But if you need to email us, please include:

  1. Which version of Lightning you are using. You can find the version in Windows Settings > Apps or in our feedback window shown above.
  2. Which SOLIDWORKS version and service pack you are using.
  3. Your license key for Lightning
  4. In case of an issue:
    1. The steps that you followed to create the issue
    2. Whether it happens consistently or randomly
    3. If it happens with a certain file, please share an example file with us
  5. A few screenshots or even better, a video

Send your bug report to [email protected].

Thank you in advance 🙂