How to store patterns in text files

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You only need this when you want to import fastener dimensions into Lightning fully automatic.

For most users, doing the import manually once is faster than using these files. We explain how to do it manually here.

Filename requirements

  1. The file needs to start with Lightning-ImportSettings-
  2. Note the dash at the end
  3. The filename can have any text or number after the required part. This way, you can create unique filenames that do not cause a problem with PDM.
  4. The extension need to be .xml
  5. Example: Lightning-ImportSettings-16.xml

Text content requirements

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<ImportSettings xmlns:i=””>
<ConfigurationNamePattern>Your configuration name pattern or empty</ConfigurationNamePattern>
<FilenamePattern>Your filename pattern or empty</FilenamePattern>

Available fastener types

This list keeps getting longer. Check out this Knowledge Base article on supported fastener types.

Available pattern tags

We keep a list here.