Add blocks and notes automatically

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Each Blueprint can store a list of preferred blocks and notes, so you don’t have to remember which customer uses which annotations.

Annotations in the task pane

These annotations appear at the bottom of the Drew task pane when you create a drawing. You can either:

  1. Click the annotation to add it at its preferred position automatically
  2. Drag it onto the sheet

Drew drag blocks notes and annotations into drawing

Annotation settings

You can add these in the Annotations tab in the settings window.

Drew settings window parent-child view

As you can see above, you have the following settings per block/note:

  • User-friendly name
  • File path
  • Whether to attach the annotation to the sheet, the first 2D view or the first 3D view
  • Its preferred position
  • Whether to add this annotation automatically to each body sheet.

Blocks also have settings for:

  • The default angle
  • The default scale
  • Whether to link the block to the file. This causes the drawing to update when the block changes.