Which views can Drew place on a drawing?

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When you create a new drawing, you can automatically add a 3D view and one or more 2D views. Even a scaled flat pattern view with outer dimensions if you want to.

View settings

You can capture many of your view preferences in Blueprints:

  • Which projected views are added, besides the default main view
  • The 3D view orientation, view display mode, sheet corner and whether to add a 3D view to normal sheets or body sheets.
  • Whether to add a scaled flat pattern view, even including outer dimensions

AutoFit will determine the best sheet scale and the position for each of the views.

Drew add views automatically - display style - outer dimensions

Normal sheets vs body sheets

Drew can create a sheet with views, blocks and outer dimensions for each unique body. We call these body sheets.

In the screenshot above, there is a column for normal sheet settings and a column for body sheet settings.

Flat pattern view settings

The settings window has a special tab for flat pattern views. You can read more about it here.