How to batch process SOLIDWORKS models

We just released an update for our drawing automation add-in Drew.

It turns Drew into an even better batch-processing tool:

  1. Batch import STEP models
  2. Batch export models to STEP (and more)
  3. Batch create SOLIDWORKS drawings
  4. Batch export drawings to PDF and DXF
  5. Close each file after being processed

How to reach the Batch Panel

When you have no models open, click Go to batch tool in the task pane. A similar play button appears when you have a part or assembly open.

For drawings, we added a play button to the Drew toolbar.

You now have three options as the source for your batch:

  1. Active assembly: the currently opened assembly
  2. Select assembly: browse for an assembly model. We open it, then get all components.
  3. Select folder: browse for a folder. We find all SOLIDWORKS models (plus importable files) in this folder

Drew batch process assembly or folder

How to use the Batch Panel

This is our new batch panel. The image on the right explains each section.

Drew batch create solidworks drawings         Drew batch tool solidworks

To use the batch panel, follow these steps:

  1. Select a Blueprint in the top-left. Your settings in the blueprint determine the available file types for exports.
  2. Select one or more tasks to perform on all selected files.
  3. Use the filters toggle buttons. See How to use filters in the batch tool.
  4. Use the custom filter to create your own filter (like “*.sldprt”) or use it as a search bar.
  5. Select a batch size at the bottom, or click on the files you want to process. A blue line is a selected line.
  6. Click the play button next to a file to process a single file, or click Start to process all selected files.

1. Batch import STEP models

Drew can import every file type that SOLIDWORKS can import. Check Import model to import each selected file, and check Save imported model to save the model as a native SOLIDWORKS part or assembly.

Saving + closing is advised because SOLIDWORKS can easily run out of memory if you keep all imported files open.

We skip importable files that already have a part or assembly with the same filename.

Drew batch import step files

2. Batch export models to STEP (and more)

The second task in the list lets you export existing parts and assemblies. The available file extensions come from your selected Blueprint.

Drew can choose an export folder and filename for you. For more information, check out Smart export – use custom properties, sheet names, dates.

3. Batch create SOLIDWORKS drawings

Creating drawings is what Drew does best. Check out the product page for more info and pricing.

We can add these items when you create a drawing in batch mode:

4. Batch export drawings to PDF and DXF

Just like Drew can export models, we can also export drawings. We use the same blueprint setting but only show relevant file extensions for drawings in this list. That means DXF, DWG, eDrawing and PDF.

When you are not running in Drew in batch mode, you can export your current drawing to a selected file extension with a single click. We’ll find the correct folder, build a filename using custom properties and export the drawing. Easy peasy.

5. Close each file after being processed

We all love batch tools, but we know that SOLIDWORKS will eventually run out of memory when you keep all your files open. Unfortunately, we cannot tell when a crash is about to happen.

That is why we enable this task by default. If you check the checkbox, we will close each drawing and close each model after Drew is done importing and exporting.

Turn it off at your own risk…

Bug fixes

There was only a single bug that needed fixing this time:

  1. Fixed Drew and Lightning not being able to run at the same time. We still have to release an update for Lightning to be completely done with this issue.

What’s next?

We promised hole callouts, so that will definitely happen. We’re also already working on SolidDNA, the open-source software that powers our add-ins.

Our backlog contains plenty of great features to build, so we will pick a few more from there.

If you haven’t done so, go ahead and try out Drew for free 🙂

create, edit and review SOLIDWORKS drawings twice as fast

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